Are we superior??

We believe that human forms existed in earth some 200,000 yrs ago. But are we the only superior intellects to have wandered around earth??

We can learn from our epics(ramayan and mahabarath), that they possesed far superior technology than the present day. They knew how to fly an aircraft, they knew how to fly by themselves, they also developed mass destruction weapons, some of which we are yet to invent.

Now, lets assume that the time period of Lord Rama and ours are the same.He might be one of our forefathers…The point is, there might have been other forms that might have tresspassed earth even b4 them. Adam and Eve might have been the first inhabitants for our life form. But b4 them, there would hve been other ‘life’ forms.

They would hve ruled earth, possessed far more superior technology,not necessarily developed using silica.They might hve mastered molecular transmission to locamote…We never know what they would have achieved.They lived in their period. Earth would have destroyed them eventually, and paved way for us.We might live for sometime, earth would eventually destroy us too and pave way to the next species…

Ever wondered how sages who wrote our epics knew the solar system, that the earth was spherical and moon has sand in it.What we claim to be inventions/discoveries were known to species that lived before us. They would have also lived a cycle. There might have arose an end point after which they became extinct. We can consider them to be far more superior than us, that they didnt leave a small trace so that we can study their life, or should it be, we are still in our basics that we dont understand what they have left us to study and thus failed to discover their life…

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